The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

◆ tiny ARt exhibition ◆

A tiny art exhibition with big effects – augmented reality meets art with Artivive

◆ tiny ARt exhibition ◆

When: WED, November 22, 6pm
Where: Improper Walls

We’ll let them put it in their own eloquent words this time around: ‘Improper Walls and Artivive App want to showcase art in augmented reality (AR) with a tiny AR exhibition. Artivive is an easy to use tool for artists to create art in AR, with the simple goal of encouraging people to get out and experience art first hand in a new and interactive way.

The upcoming “tiny ARt” exhibition on Nov 22nd & 23rd at Improper Walls will feature a range of artworks that in real life are no bigger than a business card. The augmented reality layer will enhance the artworks in the digital dimension to reveal what art in AR has to offer.’

Plus: There will be live music and free booze!

Recommended if you like: art, standing in front of a painting with a thoughtful pensive look on your face, contemporary art, street art, something different, art of the future, being an early adaptor, having your nipple flicked by somebody else’s tongue, going to openings for the free booze

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