The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

☼ Flotus Sundowner Paddling & Gin Tonic

Paddle your way up the Donau with a gin & tonic

☼ Flotus Sundowner Paddling & Gin Tonic

When: THU, August 23, 7pm–8:30pm
Where: Flotus stand up paddling
Entry: 19€, sign up via

This Thursday evening, bring your best swimsuit to the Alte Donau and prepare yourself to navigate up stream on a stand up paddling board at the same time as sipping a gin & tonic! The fun people of Flotus will be offering 1.5 hours of paddling with a refreshing gin & tonic shown in to make catching the sunset on your board something maGI(N)cal. There are limited spots… so do be sure to sign up quickly!

Recommended if you like: navigating the chilly river, Gin & Tonic for dinner, magical sunsets, splashing around the water, yelling AHOI at other boats so they recognize your navigating skills as a captain, having an occasion to wear your captain’s hat

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