The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

1 Jahr Faith mit me Live (Innervisions) + Open Air

An ultra-marathon club night

1 Jahr Faith mit Âme Live (Innervisions) + Open Air

When: SAT, June 2, 8pm–11am
Where: Pratersauna
Entry: 15€ available here (early bird tickets)

It says 8pm start, however for those with a penchant for classical music, there will also be a live Orchestra performing Don Gioanni from 7pm happening at the Sauna (entrance to which is free and the doors open at 4pm!). If you have the stamina to go from 4pm–11am, a crazy night is in store for you at the Pratersauna. While details of the after hour show (6am–11am) are yet to be announced, what we do know is that Âme is headlining the main session. Have a listen below! Tis’ banging so it is…

[fve] [/fve]

Recommended if you like: collecting old records, Western films, True Detective, making farting sounds with your armpit, the rough and ready type, Country music, swaying to the music

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