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10€urofunk presents. Telekinesis (Eatbrain)

D’n’B birthday party

10€urofunk presents. Telekinesis (Eatbrain)

When: FRI, August 3, 11pm–6am
Where: Fluc + Fluc Wanne
Entry: 10€ < 12am < 12€

Celebrating their one year anniversary this Friday is Drum and Bass night 10€urofunk. To make the night as special as possible, they have employed the powers of Telekinesis, whose experience on the scene is sure to make it a first birthday to remember.

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Recommended if you like: Drums, Drum and Bass, reading people’s minds, controlling people with your mental powers, Jedi mind tricks, Bass so heavy it would reset the beat of your pacemaker, telekinesis

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