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19/09 – Vollkontakt Summerseriez #3 (outdoors & free)

Take off your shoes to feel the ground moving at this Drum & Bass party 

19/09 – Vollkontakt Summerseriez #3 (outdoors & free)

When: SAT, September 19, 6pm–1am Where: fluc + fluc wanne Entry: Free! Summer officially ends on the 22nd of September, therefore the Vollkontakt Summerseriez and other awesome summer-themed celebrations will be sneaking in before it all ends at the fluc + wanne this Saturday.  Your weekly dose of Drum & Bass, and Electro will be provided by artists like KOKO ad SEQUENT & ARAS in the comforts of the grassy fields next to Praterstern. To find out more details about the event, visit the organiser’s Facebook page! Recommended if you like: fluorescent coloured singlets, dancing with glow sticks, entering a rave induced trance, the 90ies, Drum and Bass, ears ringing from a night of booming bass [totop] [tocat]]]>

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