The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

3. Afrikanischer Weihnachtsmarkt

Soak up the spirit at this African Christmas market

3. Afrikanischer Weihnachtsmarkt

When: SAT-SUN, December 8, 11am – December 9, 6pm
Where: Forum Mozartplatz
Entry: free!

Surround yourself with African textiles, craft and art at this one-of-a-kind Christmas market in Vienna. Of course there will be African food and music, as well. We were there last year, and enjoyed a tasty spicy meat dish and a huge can of African beer. It was a delight!

Recommended if you like: African Christmas markets, African fabrics, African artwork, celebrating other cultures, getting in the spirit, buying gifts and dancing to the music at the same time – makes it challenging to get the money out of your purse but we like a challenge, percussions

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