The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

5K HD (Kompost 3 + Mira Lu Kovacs) | WUK Wien

Bring two groups together, and you get a super group…music. WUK. this Friday

5K HD (Kompost 3 + Mira Lu Kovacs) | WUK Wien

When: FRI, October 6, 7pm–12am
Where: WUK
Entry: 16€ presale

5K HD are a composition of the boys of Kompost 3, a Jazz, Funk and Groove troop who have teamed up with Mira from Schiends Puls, to form a super group that spans genres. With the lads’ background, you gain the jazzy under tones, but what Mira adds is a modern twist that could emerge as some break beat, prog’ rock. Not to mention her delectable vocals. This Friday is your chance to see this progressive and different band for the first time.


Recommended if you like: your music loud and live, super bands, amalgamations, morphine time, seriously talented musicians performing live, a little jazzy funky soul modernised, the industrial setting of the WUK, singer/songwriter music, the sound of a double bass, ever so cooly closing your eyes and listening to the music

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