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8. /slash X-mas oder: Die Nacht, als Knecht Blutbrecht kam

Catch a movie (or two) to get in the right mood for a dysfunctional Christmas

8. /slash X-mas oder: Die Nacht, als Knecht Blutbrecht kam

When: THU, December 20, 7pm–2am
Where: Filmcasino
Entry: 9€/16€ for a double feature, get your tickets here

Who says spending time with family has to be the most disturbing part of the holidays? These two movies will take you to places you didn’t know Christmas could go: the dismembering of family members, using Christmas decorations as murder weapons, and psychopath Christmas killers just to name a few. If one movie isn’t enough for you, get a deal on a double feature! Check out the schedule here.

Recommended if you like: dark and twisted Christmas movies, feeling better about how messed up your own family acted at Christmas time, double features, screaming out loud in a movie theatre at the scary parts, eating popcorn, those cushy seats, sick humor, Christmas cookies

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