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A Spike Lee Tribute – Filme & Rahmenprogramm im Gartenbaukino!

A cinema festival featuring Spike Lee’s work

A Spike Lee Tribute – Filme & Rahmenprogramm im Gartenbaukino!

When: SUN, October 1 & 2, 8pm-10:15pm Where: Gartenbaukino Entry: 10€, buy a ticket here Cinema fans out there, take note: the Gartenbaukino has been throwing a Spike Lee festival throughout September and into October! On Monday and Tuesday, they’ll be not only showing his movies but also holding expositions and panel discussions. Spike Lee is one of the most talked about American directors working today, whose movies explore the quagmire of politics while also criticising social and moral issues such as violence, crime and racism. This Monday, they’ll be showing the director’s film, 25TH HOUR at 8pm, and SUMMER OF SAM on Tuesday at 8pm. Check out the rest of the programme here. Recommended if you like: being a film fanatic, cult classics, Spike Lee, political cinema, discussing important topics like race & gender, Malcom X [totop] [tocat]]]>

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