The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Abstraction – vienna art market – Dezember Show

Feast your eyes on some artworks at this artsy market

Abstraction – vienna art market – Dezember Show

When: TUE–SAT, December 3–21, 2pm–7pm (SAT: 10am–1pm)
Where: vienna art market
Entry: free!

The vienna art market is hosting one of their exhibitions again, this time with some abstract photographs up for sale. All artworks will be displayed at the Vienna PopUp Street and everything you see has been created by local artists. Worth checking out if you want some art for your wall, or have a friend that might appreciate it as a pressie.

Recommended if you like: art, being artsy, looking at art, acting pretentious for a day, the abstract, pretending to understand what the artist wanted to express when standing in front of it wearing spectacles you don’t actually need to wear

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