Once in a century opportunity to view a vast number of works from a master artist
Albrecht Dürer
When: September 20–January 6
Where: Albertina
Entry: 11€ aged under 26, 16€ aged 26+, buy a ticket
We recently tried to draw an elephant and, even though we’ve seen elephants, it ended up looking like the concept art for The Human Centipede (i.e. not good). Which makes the fact that painter & printmaker extraordinaire, Albrecht Dürer, once drew a very life-like rhinoceros, based only on a WRITTEN DESCRIPTION, make us want to cry in shame. Anyway, the Albertina have a very special treat for all you artsy fartsy people – they’re showing a once-in-a-century exhibition of this master artist’s work. They’ve gathered more of his works (over 200) than have been seen together in one exhibition for decades.
Recommended if you like: illustration, prints, painting, art, swanning around galleries in a scarf even if it’s hot, once in a lifetime events, culture, seeing art so good it makes you want to smash your crayons.
Picture © The Albertina Museum, Vienna
Fri. 20th Sep — Mon. 06th Jan