It’s quiz and craft beer time people!
When: every WED throughout December, 7pm–9pm
Where: Ammutsøn
Entry: free!
The Ammutsøn indie craft beer bar and the ‘Quizmanufaktur’ are teaming up to host a craft-beer-fuelled quiz night in English and German this Wednesday! You can participate in teams of up to five! What 24 questions will be asked, is in God’s hands….well, actually the quiz masters.
P.S.: This event will be taking place every Wednesday until mid-December!
Recommended if you like: trivia nights, craft beer, answering questions with a fake buzzer, doing the buzzer sound effect with your mouth, team work, having too much beer before the game starts, bearded people, winning, reminiscing on those ‘Wer wird Millionär’-kinda nights, going out with friends, meeting new people
Wed. 18th Dec
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