The University of Applied Arts is holding their festival like never before – streamed online
Angewandte Festival 2020 – alternate.mode
When: TUE, June 23 & FRI, June 26, 6pm–12am
Where: your apartment!
Entry: free!
You’d expect the people at the Uni of applied arts, the Angewandte, to get creative during a pandemic, right? Well, they have – this year, they’ll be hosting their annual festival online (for well beknownst reasons).
So fill up your wine glass, have a seat and prepare to get your mind bent in all sorts of ways by online exhibitions from an array of impressive young artists. The idea of the festival is to showcase the student and faculties work, from the architecture department, to the painter’s masterpieces, to graphic design, photography and (insert any other creative pursuit here).
You can check out what’s going to be on offer in the festival’s program and on their Facebook page.
Recommended if you like: creative design, watching creative concepts come to life, experimenting with your style or simply wishing you had other people’s style, identifying as a creative
Tue. 23rd Jun — Fri. 26th Jun
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