The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Architektur Film Sommer 2020: Aufbrüche und Durchbrüche

Spend an evening dedicated to architecture

Architektur Film Sommer 2020: Aufbrüche und Durchbrüche

When: WED, August 5, 8:30pm–11:30pm
Where: AzW – Architekturzentrum Wien
Entry: free! Sign up via mail

An evening full of films about architecture is what you’ll get if you find yourself at the Architekturzentrum this Wednesday! If you’re interested in Mexican architecture, Bad Gastein and women power in the field of architecture, you should check out the films that will be screened. Check out the facebook event for more information about the films!


Recommended if you like: architecture (who would have guessed??), films that no one else in your friend group enjoys, finally watching a good film in a cinema–like atmosphere, finding out more about powerful women in your field, admiring buildings

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