The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Art history for kids in English aged 5-10

Improve your kid’s knowledge of Art History at this fun workshop

Art history for kids in English aged 5-10

When: SUN, March 22, 10am–1:30pm
Where: Albertina
Entry: 30€ per child (20% discount for siblings); reservation obligatory

If, like us, the paintings you were doing as a kid involved everyone having 10 sausage fingers on each plate of a hand and the sky never meeting the ground, why not ensure your own offspring gets off to a more promising start. This Art History Workshop for 5 to 10-year olds features a tour of paintings by artists such as Renoir, Manet, Monet, Cézanne, Gauguin and Toulouse-Lautrec followed by a painting workshop related to these works. You’ll be selling your kid’s work to the museum in no time.

Recommended if you like: creative and cultural events for your children, taking your kids to fun workshops, museums, painting, art, expanding the grey matter of your offspring, fun things to do at the weekend, educational events

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