The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Celebrate womankind at this open-minded festival of equality

Art Yourself

When: MON–SUN, September 9–15
Entry: Free to 25€ depending on event. View ticket info

The #Artyourself Festival will open its doors for the first time, with contemporary art, culture and performance. The focus here is on social issues such as equality, sexuality and acceptance, and all of this will be expressed through music, poetry, performances etc. There’s also a workshop happening in which you make a vulva-shaped soap, a talk on ‘vaginismus,’ and a class to make Christmas tree decorations, or earrings using your old tampons and pads. Come and celebrate the magnificence of women, inside and out.

Recommended if you like: giving your parents a heart attack when they open their Christmas presents, being a woman, talking and hearing about vaginas, being queer, queer parties, dressing up in outlandish outfits, parties where anything could happen.