Pretend you understand the deeper meaning of art at the F23
art23 – Eine Ausstellungsreihe zur Verbesserung der Welt
When: September 1 – November 13
Where: F23
Entry: free!
As part of the festival, Die Verbesserung der Welt, where 7 premieres of chamber operas will take place, you can check out a series of exhibitions, each matching one of the chamber operas!
Each exhibition at the F23 will concentrate on a different topic! Check out the event for more information (as, we know, it probably sounds quite abstract…or maybe that’s just us). If you want the full experience and don’t wanna’ miss out on listening to people screaming…uh, we mean, singing at the top of their lungs, make sure to get a ticket for the chamber opera shows! QUICKLY!
Recommended if you like: going to artsy events, feeling super fancy and grown–up because you count going to art exhibitions as fun pastime, abstract thought, looking at pretty pictures, using the term ‘artsy–fartsy’ without laughing about it, looking into the mirror because you like art
Tue. 01st Sep — Fri. 13th Nov
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