Free party to get things re-going
Auslage Season Opening | Free Party
When: SAT, Ausgust 25, 11pm–6am
Where: Auslage
Entry: Free
While we are certainly ecstatic that all the clubs are beginning to re-open after their summer holidays, there is a tiny part of us that is screaming, ‘No! We aren’t ready for it to end yet.’ But oh well, the inevitable approaches and this Saturday will see Auslage open its doors just in time for the Gürtelnightwalk, and to begin the run in to Autumn.
Recommended if you like: House, Techno, the Gürtelnightwalk, having somewhere to go after the walk, live music, dancing in the moonlight, mannikins, that weird boat thingy that is on the Gürtel that know one really knows what it is or what it’s for, getting home when the bird’s are waking
Sat. 25th Aug — Sun. 26th Aug