Go bonkers for all things Balkans
When: SAT, June 9, 8pm–4am
Where: Schwarzberg
Entry: TBA
There’ll be a little bit of everything from the East this Saturday at Schawarzberg as they look to celebrate all things Balkans. The night will get started with some Macadonian Comedy, followed by some live music provided by Think Freud (see below) and a DJ to wrap things up. Oh, and the whole thing will be well lubricated by some free shots of Rakia, which one could see as a positive, or negative thing, depending on your Rakia consumption abilities.
[fve] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wtgU4Ozg9I [/fve]
Recommended if you like: all things Balkan, free stuff, Rakia, Gypsy Rock, or is it Punk, Cover Bands, TOTO, the diversity that Vienna provides, having a night out not full of techno and 7am finishes
Sat. 09th Jun — Sun. 10th Jun