The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Baulückenkonzert Ernst Molden & Das Frauenorchester * Garish

Catch Viennese music legends and a talented female choir at a construction site

Baulückenkonzert Ernst Molden & Das Frauenorchester * Garish

When: SAT, July 18, 6pm–10pm
Where: Karl-Farkas-Gasse 1
Entry: 2€, buy a ticket

At a rather odd location (a construction site) you can catch Vienna’s equivalent of Leonard Cohen with a talented choir and a awesome band at the random location of Karl-Farkas-Gasse 1. This time round, you’ll get to have your ears blessed by Ernst Molden, das Frauenorchester and Garish, all in one night! They’ll be playing where many will be in the future: at the construction site of Vienna’s newest event venue.

Recommended if you like: concerts at unique places, getting your ears blessed with some great music, chilled evenings with friends outside, wondering where you need to go to find the concert venue, making memories at weird places

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