The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Beer & Streetfood Napoleon Pop Up

Enjoy your food with some awesome live music

Beer & Streetfood Napoleon Pop Up

When: all summer! Where: Beer & Streetfood Napoleon Pop Up Entry: free! On June 26th, something cool popped up at Kagraner Platz and will be staying all summer long! That’s right, we’re talking about the Beer & Streetfood Napoleon Pop Up! We were already all ears when we heard ‘beer’ and ‘street food’ but there is so much more on offer! Think – street art, pop up live concerts and awesome summer vibes!  Recommended if you like: spending all summer outside in Schanigärten, convincing your non-transdanubien friends that there are actually cool things happening over there, graffiti artists, live concerts, everything about streetfood [totop] [tocat]]]>

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