The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

An soft rock Viennese band on the ship

Bell Etage

When: SAT, June 9
Where: Badeschiff Wien
Entry: TBA

So fresh, they don’t even have the full details yet – the Viennese-based quintet will be taking to the stage, and what a stage, for the first time in a while. In the idyllic setting of the Badeschiff, they will be bringing their bella version of Soft Rock live to your earholes. This gig will be unique because you have no idea when they will pop up again for a sponti-gig.

[fve] [/fve]

Recommended if you like: illusive musicians, Soft Rock, that one friend that pops up once a year at the most random locations, quintets, home grown talent, wearing a captains cap when on a boat

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