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Beuys on Sale! Christmas Print & Zine Pop Up Shop

Get yourself a cool print at this pop-up market in an indie art gallery

Beuys on Sale! Christmas Print & Zine Pop Up Shop

When: TUE–WED, December 19–20, 2–8pm
Where: Improper Walls
Entry: free!

The pretty artsy crowd at Improper Walls is inviting one and all to the Beauys Christmas Print & Pop Up shop happening in their space. Come by on Tuesday or Wednesday and get yourself ‘zines, art books, abstract prints, and a lot of other cool stuff. Check out the website of Beauys, to get a better idea of what to expect

Recommended if you like: buying art, pop-up stores, the festive season, a good bargain, spending your last penny on something pretty, indie art, wearing headbands, sex with socks on, giving somebody your steely glare when they’re talking to you

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