The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

BilderBücherBühne | Poetry, Prosa & Live-Zeichnungen

Check out this unique Poetry Slam/ Art Event

BilderBücherBühne | Poetry, Prosa & Live-Zeichnungen

When: THU, March 7, 8pm–10:30pm Where: Die Drahtwarenhandlung Entry: 8€ online or 10€ at the doors In recent years, Poetry Slams have become more and more popular in Vienna. This Thursday, there is a special kind of Poetry Slam Event at the “Drahtwarenhandlung”. Two Austrian “MC´s” will be reading their poems out loud. In the meantime, a visual artist is painting a mural related to or inspired by these poems. We don´t exactly know what to expect and how it will turn out, but that´s the point of this event, which makes it even more interesting. Recommended if you like: Poetry and Art, multidisciplinary events, meeting new people in comfortable venues, watching art happening right in front of your eyes [totop] [tocat]]]>

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