The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.


Bounce up and down to this gig from a cool up and coming German band


When: THU, February 20, 8pm–11pm
Where: fluc + fluc_wanne
Entry: 20€, buy a ticket

German band Blond are sisters Nina and Lotta Kummer and their friend Johann Bonitz, residents of Chemnitz. They’ve been friends since childhood and their parents are all musicians, so perhaps it’s no surprise they formed a band. They’re touring their brand new album ‘Martini Sprite’ which features German lyrics, the description of the condition of a restless East German youth, all wrapped up in a pleasing Indie Pop Rock package.

Recommended if you like: Indie, Pop and Rock music, bands that feature siblings, songs in German, partying in intimate locations that are so intimate you’re wearing other people’s sweat, cool gigs during the week

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