The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

BodyweightDay 2018 – Lebe deinen Sport

A fair all about alternative sports… next to a beer festival

BodyweightDay 2018 – Lebe deinen Sport

When: SAT, May 12, 10am–12am
Where: Marx Halle
Entry: 5.50–14€ (various options, including a combo ticket for the Beer Fest available here)

Correct us if we are wrong, but we believe that only in Austria could you pair an Alternative Sport festival, with a beer festival. Not that we are complaining as the Bodyweight day offers us a chance to really earn that beer (or burn off the ones from the night before). The craft beer festival will be happening next door. Anyway, at this unique fair, there will be demos and activities to get involved in, involving all kinds of alternative sports, from pole dancing to parkour, as well as group training and the International Street Workout Championships. There is plenty here to help you work up a thirst to pop in next door for that beer afterwards.

Recommended if you like: wearing a fit bit, doing push-ups first thing in the morning, having a stomach that you can bounce berries off of, pole dancing as a sport not a late night activity, sport, sport and more sport, running at 5am, being a fitness freak

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