The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Boxen am Weltfrauentag

Let out all the frustrations you’ve experienced of being a women with some boxing

Boxen am Weltfrauentag

When: SUN, March 8, every hour starting from 2pm
Where: Backyard Club Vienna
Entry: free! Make sure to sign up!

The Backyard Club Vienna invites all females (or those aged over 14, at least) to a free boxing trial session at their kick boxing studio! Haven’t you always dreamed of punching the stuffing out of a punching bag? You know, like, wrapping your knuckles in bandages and just pounding the bag until you collapse with exhaustion? Trust us – it feels mighty good! Plus, it’s a free event, sooo.

Recommended if you like: trying out new things, martial arts, feeling hella badass and strong, letting go of all of your negative emotions, leaving your comfort zone, being able to defend yourself