The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Brainstorm Special Edition – Mental Challenges of the Homo Technicus

Discuss the challenges of being a human with these brain scientists

Brainstorm Special Edition – Mental Challenges of the Homo Technicus

When: MON, March 25, 6:30pm–9:30pm
Where: Braintribe/Firestarters
Entry: 7€ get your tickets, here

Ever question how we live and why we’re expected to be ambitious, successful, in love, and more? Come ask this panel your questions and listen to them talk about how we’re wired and what can really make us happy. If you asked us, our answer would be ice cream. Ice cream makes us happy. But, full disclosure, we’ve never studied the brain or human nature.

Recommended if you like: being ambitious, not being ambitious, being lazy, learning about why we are the way we are, asking deep questions to a panel of behavioral scientists, eating impressive amounts of ice cream

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