Check out this photographer’s book presentation
Buchpräsentation: “Limelight” von und mit Franzi KREIS
When: MON, September 14, 6pm–9pm Where: Die Schankwirtschaft Entry: free!, register via Theatre-Photographer, Franzi Kreis, is presenting her new photography book this Monday at Die Schankwirtschaft. ‘Limelight’ is follows in the footsteps of many representations and backgrounds of the old Italian commedia-character, Harlequin. A true photographic journey through Europe, taking a look backstage of a theatre-photographer’s wonderful and interesting work. Recommended if you like: seeing how the show comes together, checking out what’s behind all the magic, theatre, but from the other side, photographers who take you on their travels, not being afraid of harlequins and clowns [totop] [tocat]]]>Mon. 14th Sep