The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Business Riot Series #9: Finance

Attend an finance seminar for your business and educate yourself  

Business Riot Series #9: Finance

When: FRI, January 31, 9am– 8pm
Where: FH Technikum Wien
Entry: 99€ (49€ reduced), get a ticket

Interested in making your business more proficient? Every two months, Business Riot is hosting a day full of programs on business, advanced training, etc. This time, the topic revolves around finances, money, payments, investments, planning ahead, and much else on the subject. The only thing is it’s only for women, intersex and transgender peeps. Sorry guys. 

Recommended if you like: making business, learning valuable new stuff every day, finances, self–employment, money, planning ahead, being organised, going back to school

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