The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Cari Cari with Farewell Dear Ghost and Catastrophe&Cure at Haus der Musik (March 24, 2018)

A full night of Austro Indie/Pop @ the house of music

Cari Cari with Farewell Dear Ghost and Catastrophe&Cure at Haus der Musik (March 24, 2018)

When: SAT, March 24, 7pm–12am
Where: Haus der Musik
Entry: TBA

This Saturday will see the Haus der Musik living up to its name. The programme of the evening is chock a block with some Austrian delights, headed up by Cari Cari, who while they are Austrian, are more world citizens. Their roaming has taken them far and wide and given them all the experience to transform their music into something unique (check it out below!) Meanwhil, the popular act, Farewell Dear Ghost, will accompany them.




Recommended if you like: wearing Asics Tigers, making farting sounds with your armpit, the rough and ready type, tattoos, indie rock, Arctic Monkeys and more of this indie delight, checking out the local talent, riding the U3 line from beginning to end

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