The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Charity Auction for Refugees – Vielmehr als ein Geschenk!

An online auction market, with a good cause behind it

Charity Auction for Refugees – Vielmehr als ein Geschenk!

When: SAT–SUN, December 1–9
Where: ONLINE!

The crowd from ‘[HOME] is where your heart is’ – a refugee project based in Vienna with a focus on integration through socialization, psychological health education and social wellbeing – is holding a charity auction from the beginning of December until the 9th. A whole bunch of talented local designers have donated their beautiful creations to the cause, and all of the pieces will be auctioned off between these dates here on Facebook. If you’d like to get involved (which we strongly suggest you do!), check out more info., here. All of the proceeds will go to increasing care for refugees, as well as volunteers. The coolest part is that they’ll mail the jewellery to you!

Recommended if you like: doing good while feeling lucky for the life you lead, presents with a purpose, really big hugs, getting that fuzzy feeling inside that only comes from loving others, unique design pieces, getting presents that are one-of-a-kind

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