The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Charity Kinoabend "Die beste aller Welten" mit Adrian Goiginger

Watch this International awards winning European Feature Film based on a true story

Charity Kinoabend “Die beste aller Welten” mit Adrian Goiginger

When: WED, October 16, 7pm–10:30pm Where: Actors Studio Entry: 15€ A charity movie night is happening at Actors Studio this Wednesday with Goiginger’s movie, ‘Die beste aller Welten’, on the big screen. Touching upon topics like his own childhood and his drug-addicted mother, this story is a heart warming one. After the movie, you will have the chance to participate in a Q&A and ask Adrian Goiginger anything you want (or not, you don’t have to). Oh, and before we forget! All the profit from the night goes to a charity called, ‘Grow Together’. Recommended if you like: going to the cinema, watching movies, giving to charities, asking really hard questions at Q&As, discussions after movies about the movie, being left speechless after consuming culture, movies based on a true story [totop] [tocat]]]>

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