The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

CharityOida! 4 Lesungen, 4 Konzerte

Be at this concert and reading and support a good cause!

CharityOida! 4 Lesungen, 4 Konzerte

When: THU, November 8, 5pm–12am
Where: Arena Wien
Entry: Donations welcome! Get a ticket here

The local Pop band, Schodl, the social bookstore Books4Life Wien and the Arena have teamed up with a bunch of artists and authors to create one big, beautiful event this Thursday – CharityOida! At this charity event, they are collecting donations for several charity organisations while entertaining you for an evening. Hanna Herbst, Paul Ferstl, Bianca Jankovska and Anna Goldenberg will read from books, and local bands Mäuse, Flickentanz, Schodl, and Grant will perform on stage.

Recommended if you like: musicians performing live, book clubs, readings, supporting Austrian musicians, helping people in need, people that do good, not standing by and letting others do the work, fighting the good fight, going to protests with your marching boots on

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