The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

This year’s Hirschstetten Flower Gardens exhibition, which is themed ‘Christmas Fairy Tales’, brings to life nine stories, including classics like Dickens’ ‘Christmas Story’ and the Brothers Grimm’s ‘Frau Holle’.

While you’re there, check out the Advent market with over 50 stalls of traditional goodies, from gingerbread to handmade toys and ceramics. Kids can have a bit of fun, too, making Christmas decorations with the city gardeners.

Heads up! The exhibition is open Thursday to Sunday. Also, construction work limits car access to the South entrance (1220 Vienna, Quadenstraße 15), so opt for public transport or use the North (Oberfeldgasse) or West (Spargelfeldstraße 22) entrances.

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