The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Christmas markets are open!

T’is the season of Glühwein and and kissing when your nose is dripping

Christmas markets are open!

When: Daily until December 26, 2017
Where: Various locations
Entry: Free!

Tis’ the season again and as winter in Vienna has it, it is the favourite season of many locals simply thanks to those charming Christmas markets! A wonderful vibe spreads around town as markets open all over Vienna, and the smell of cinnamon, mulled wine, and sweet desserts fills the air. Be sure to get your first Heisse Liebe Punsch in soon and get in the spirit.  And it just so happens that we’ve put together a list of our favourite markets, here.

Recommended if you like: the smell of gingerbread cookies, waking up with gifts waiting for you, being jolly, celebrating christmukkah, overcoming the cold by drinking hard spirits hidden in tea, Glühwein, meeting friends at Christmas markets

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