The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

CIMT / La Musa _ Festival

A contemporary music festival at Café Anno

CIMT / La Musa _ Festival

When: MON–TUE, April 23–24, 7pm–10pm
Where: Cafe Anno
Entry: free! Donations welcome

The international group that showcases contemporary music, art and culture, La Musa, is having a festival this week. It’s called CIMT, Contemporary International Multicultural Transdisciplinary, and it will be taking place at the cosy Café Anno this Monday and Tuesday evening. Check out who will be performing, here.

Recommended if you like: hangovers with coffee and a Kipferl, burying valuable things in the courtyard garden, musicians that know their shit, making out on a couch in public, reading the romantics, lying on your back watching the clouds, people who live for the music, charming old coffeehouses

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