A party for the early birds…as in those that like partying early and getting up early…we think
Club der frühen Vögel | by die Zuckerlkettenfrau x unknwn
When: THU, October 24, 8pm–2am Where: Mon Ami Entry: free! The intimate bar, Mon Ami, is hosting this week’s “Club der frühen Vögel” on Thursday with DJs, Zuckerlkettenfrau and unknwn, and this time it’s going to be everything other than an early bird thing. Lovely House, Classy Tunes and Funky Grooves will await you at this party and the line-up looks bangin’, too. So if you’ve got the time and want to have some early weekend fun, be there! Recommended if you like: House music, groove, early birding (whatever this is), good vibes at parties, having too much wine, being hungover on a Friday, the Mon Ami, meeting cool people, the buzz of a night out drinking with good music [totop] [tocat]]]>Thu. 24th Oct