Have a (second-hand) experience in the coding world
CoderDojo online Event
When: every Friday, June 26–July 10, 2:45pm–7pm
Where: your apartment
Entry: free!
If you’re looking for a way to escape reality, coding is where you need to go. CoderDojo offers tutorials and classes for your little ones to learn the wondrous world of numbers and how they make things online.
Perhaps not so little, but nearly all eager participants are welcome to interactively learn how to write, program and code on the computer. Go ahead and sign up your young one. Ages 8 – 17 are more than welcome to participate in the free online sessions.
Recommended if you like: the virtual world more than the real world, having an avatar name ‘hunglikeadonkey,’ chicken soup on rainy days, gaming, typing gibberish on your computer at superhuman speed, learning about a whole world you never knew existed, Matrix
Fri. 19th Jun — Fri. 31st Jul