Heading out to a new gallery installation will help make you more cultured or help you impress a date. But who is responsible for making sure the art gets from the artist to you in the form of those galleries? Curators! And they like to get together and have snacks and discuss their work and how they can support one another at this festival in Vienna. Nothing like a little inter-gallery lovin’. Plus, you can get to know them and go on tours, listen to talks about art and artsy stuff over the next month. There’s heaps of cool stuff happening in different galleries around the city. Check out the programme, here.
Tue. 12th Sep — Sat. 14th Oct
Recommended if you like:
to hang things on walls, colors, an absence of color, an absence of an absence of color, people who work in museums, looking at a painting on the wall in your best pensive face, wearing turtle necks
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