The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

DAD LEFT von Victoria Halper

Check out this very personal performance at Werk X Petersplatz

DAD LEFT von Victoria Halper

When: May 23 – May 29, 8pm–9:30pm
Where: Werk X-Petersplatz
Entry: 20€ normal ticket, check pricing details, here

The essay performance, DAD LEFT, at Werk X revolves around leaving and not coming back. With it, Victoria Halper is asking questions about origin, home and absence. For this performance, she drew the inspiration from her personal experience of her dad’s death. Get out to this moving performance and maybe work through some of your own stuff while you’re there.

Recommended if you like: stories with meanings, getting all philosophical over a cup of coffee, people coming and going, getting your daily dose of culture, true stories

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