The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Das Fest des Huhnes. Film

Get out for a heady film about upper Austria

Das Fest des Huhnes. Film

When: TUE, March 5, 7:30pm–10pm
Where: Aktionsradius Wien
Entry: donations welcome

This will be one of those films that will make you look smarter than other people for having gone to see it. An exploration of the indigenous people of upper Austria, this film will give you plenty to think about. Unless you don’t understand what’s going on. Then, we suggest you pretend you do understand. It will be better for everyone if you do.

Recommended if you like: films that make you think, eating chicken and getting the grease all over your face, wearing jeans each and every day, not going to work, upper Austria, indigenous people, pretending you know what’s going on

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