The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Come say goodbye to the culture center F23 at this spectacular event

꒯ᗑ꒚ ꒒투Ẕᅮᄐ ꒚ℙᄐkᅮᗑkᄐ꒒ – Das letzte Spektakel

The Rhizomatic Circus Collective is inviting one and all to one culturally-infused party in the cool location, F23 (for one last time before it is renovated).

For this event, you can expect the new Rhizomatic production, “prosthetyc reality”.

The whole fun and games include various performances, discourse, exhibitions, and lots of music. They’re not getting any more specific than that in their event description, so prepare for various surprises if you turn up at this unique event.

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