The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

DesignBazar & Ladyfashion & MiniMondschein #7

Design meets flea market

DesignBazar & Ladyfashion & MiniMondschein #7

When: SAT, November 30, 10am–6pm
Where: MGC Halle
Entry: 3€

This Saturday, some of Vienna’s flea markets are coming together to form an even funkier one. The folks from Designbazar, Ladyfahsion and Mondscheinbazar are joining forces, and you can expect to find trendy, creative stuff among their stalls. Whether you want to take a look at fashion, art, or simply browse the food trucks and listen to some chilled music, this is the place to be.

Recommended if you like: funky flea markets, the thrill of the flea market hunt, wearing clothes that don’t match, all things vintage, design, filling your wardrobe with joy


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