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Día de Muertos I Tag der Toten

A late, but nevertheless, noteworthy Day of the Dead celebration

Día de Muertos/Tag der Toten

When: FRI, November 2, 6pm–11pm
Where: La Vitrina
Entry: Free?

Even though the official day will be behind us, this Friday at La Vitrina, they’ll be putting on their own Day of the Dead celebration. To celebrate the cultural coming together of the indigenous and European ideas of Mexico, there will be a special menu, cocktails, live music, visuals and most probably a large number of skulls around the place.

Recommended if you like: Mexican food, skulls, sugar skulls the day of the dead, Zombies, symbiosis between two cultures, dressing up, death themed food and drinks, hopefully not deadly, waking up with a face print on your pillow


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