The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Die Angewandte@VIENNACOMIX: 5 Hour Comic Challenge

Challenge your creativity

Die Angewandte@VIENNACOMIX: 5 Hour Comic Challenge

When: THU, March 19, 11am–4pm
Where: Expositur der Angewandten
Entry: free! Sign up for this event via mail

As part of the Vienna COMIX week, Die Angewandte invites to the 5 Hour Comic Challenge! Is it possible to draw a 5 page comic in just 5 hours? That’s what you’ll find out if you take part in that workshop! If you’re thinking of cheating by already knowing about what you want to draw, as my old nan said, cheats never prosper! The topic is only revealed right at the beginning of the workshop! Afterwards (starting at 5pm) there will be a screening of the results!

Recommended if you like: drawing, comics, challenges, always yelling ‘CHALLENGE ACCEPTED’, always finding new things to challenge yourself, any sort of race

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