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Die Blechtrommel – 40th Anniversary Screening im Filmcasino

Watch the remastered version of an all-time classic film at the Filmcasino

Die Blechtrommel – 40th Anniversary Screening im Filmcasino

When: MON, August 31, 8pm–10:30pm
Where: Filmcasino
Entry: 10€, get a ticket

What’s a proper way to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first German Oscar–winning film, Die Blechtrommel? That’s right, with a screening of the digitally remastered version of it at the Filmcasino, which will be happening this Monday! Check out the trailer:


Recommended if you like: old films, films with stories that take place during world war two, extraordinary people, feeling kinda’ hipster when you watch old movies (even though you would never admit that), comparing the original to the remastered version

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