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Die Dohnal – Film & Gespräch mit Sabine Derflinger im Filmcasino

Watch a film about the Feminist icon Johanna Dohnal

Die Dohnal – Film & Gespräch mit Sabine Derflinger im Filmcasino

When: MON, TUE & THU, June 22, 23 & 25, 8:15pm–11pm
Where: Filmcasino
Entry: 9€, get a ticket!

This week, Filmcasino is screening ‘Die Dohnal’,  a documentary about Johanna Dohnal, the first feminist ever to serve in a European government. She remains the most important politician to have campaigned for feminism in Austria, and a film about her remarkable life and career is currently filling Viennese cinemas. The film will be followed by a panel discussion with the film director.

Recommended if you like: feminism, politicians who are fighting for something meaningful, seeing change in the world, gender equality, the idea of raising boys and girls the same way


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