The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Die Geschichte eines Jungen aus Afghanistan

A performance for the kids: youth’s journey from Afghanistan to Europe

Die Geschichte eines Jungen aus Afghanistan

When: FRI, September 29, 10am–11:15am, 7:30pm–8:45pm
Where: Dschungel Wien
Entry:  9€ (reserve them here)

In this tale on stage, made for 9 year-olds and above, we follow the story of a youth, who after a run in with some zealous men in his homeland Afghanistan, is convinced by the mother to flee to Europe. This Friday, you can expose your little ones to a story that will have them better understand the difficulties and fears that accompany such a decision to flee for a better life from a country stricken by war. Sounds heavy, but it’s done in a way that


Recommended if you like: raising a child conscious of the world around them, wanting your child to be open and compassionate to the struggles of people around them, theatre that is relevant, world issues, teaching your kids how lucky they are

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