The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Die Polargebiete unserer Erde

Experience life on the North and South Poles through the eyes of a scientist

Die Polargebiete unserer Erde

When: MON, July 13, 6pm–8pm
Where: VHS Landstraße
Entry: TBD

Aside from Santa and his elves preparing their toys there, what else do scientists know about the North and South Poles? This talk is by Christoph Bialek, a biologist specialising in ecology and nature conservation who has been on expeditions to some of the most remote places in the world. He’ll be talking about our polar regions where, despite the eternal ice of the Antarctic and the hostile environment of the Arctic, there is a very special biodiversity. You’ll get to experience fascinating pictures, stories and moments from his trips to the North and South Poles.

Recommended if you like: learning about the most extreme environments on Earth, talks and discussions, learning something new, the environment, being green, ice ice baby, penguins and polar bears

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